At ESCE, bachelor students learn with the Montessori method

Accueil » At ESCE, bachelor students learn with the Montessori method

Le Figaro / “Figaro Étudiant” section dedicated to Bachelor’s programs
January 25, 2022 & on
Article P.7, Emma Ferrand

The business school offers a Bachelor’s degree based on the pedagogy of the famous Italian doctor.

“What grade would you give yourself? How could you improve your photo?” Thibault Montamat is a communications professor in the first year of the bachelor’s program at ESCE. Unlike other three-year business school programs, ESCE offers a curriculum based on Montessori pedagogy. Students progress at their own pace, with fun exercises. “They learn to set goals on their own and to correct themselves. Here, the key words are benevolence, autonomy and creativity. We place great emphasis on the personal development of these young people. This allows them to acquire ‘soft skills’,” says Sonia Issolah, director of the bachelor program.

Mis à jour le 1 février 2022